Saturday, July 25, 2009

WOULD you date some one with missing teeth?

As long as it wasn't the front teeth. ☺

WOULD you date some one with missing teeth?
Reply:Hey! I am missing teeth, and if that's the only reason someone can think of not to date me, then who needs 'em?
Reply::(((( i'm missing all my teeth...the tooth fairy took them. i know that others grew back, but i liked the old ones better
Reply:No way
Reply:Yes I would. I choose personality over physical appearances. I think it is shallow to automatically reject someone based soley on their looks. I'm so not into that. That's just me, though.
Reply:i have a missing back tooth that cannot be see - if that was the case with a woman it would be only fair to do so - but no missing front teeth - as mine are really good teeth
Reply:is there any other man u should date...
Reply:yea, as long as the remaining ones were in good condition :D
Reply:Sure .
Reply:If we could round up a search party.
Reply:sure, why not
Reply:Well, the truth is, I have a really big pet peeve of people who don't take care of their teeth. I don't like being near people who have bad breath and yellow teeth.

So, if they are missing teeth because of poor hygiene, then no, I would not date them. If they got a tooth knocked out accidently but still keep their teeth in good condition, then maybe but I'd encourage them to get it fixed.

Is this shallow?
Reply:no. get some teeth.
Reply:Only if they had been replaced with either implants or dentures.
Reply:I am dating someone with a missing is not one of the front ones.....
Reply:no because as matter of principle all friends family and partners are subjected to 5 mins daily of teeth counting


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