Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hamster missing top teeth?

my hamster was biting on the wire in his cage and i taped his nose to tell him no and he jerked back and his teeth fell out, and we hane no vets in the area that take rodents

Hamster missing top teeth?
DO NOT PUT IT TO SLEEP!! The teeth will grow back. It will take about 4-6 days. It will not be able to eat but if you but a few drops of water is It's food and mush it up after a few seconds it will be able to chug it down. You have to give it extra water for the time being. How do I know all this. Well, just about a month ago my very own hammy was chewing on the bars of the cage. It decides it was done so it tried to remove it's teeth from the bar. It jerkes them back and It screeched. I found the teeth on the botom of the cage so I made a vet appointment for about 30 min. later. When the vet saw my poor hammy she giggled then gave me the exact instuctions I gave you. She also gave me vitmens because the hammy will not be eating as much food but she told me not to give them to her AFTER 7-8 days but that is a diffrent story. She also told me that the appointment was free because i did not need it anyway but the vitmens were a buck fifty. Do not put the animal down she is a poor hammy that will grow her teeth back very soon.
Reply:Well, not to be to harsh, but nice going. Hamsters chew on their cage. Its healthy, because it files their teeth so they don't grow out.

Now seriously. Listen to me.

Hamsters cannot survive without top teeth. They use them to chew, break open seeds, make nests, almost everything. There is NOTHING you can do. ABSOLOUTELY NOTHING. And again, I stress the word nothing. Unless you want him to die a slow, painfull death because he cannot eat, take him to the vet.

I don't care if they won't take rodents. Tell them what happened, they will put him down for you.

I'm sorry, but there is no other way. He needs to be put to sleep.
Reply:Is it bleeding? If so, the most important thing would probably be to use some clean gauze or a clean washcloth and press on the area. Your biggest worries should be excessive loss of blood, potential of infection (because it will be an open wound), and decreased appetite because of pain.

It is a shame that not a single vet in the area will even take a look at him for you. If anything, they may be able to provide some compounded pain medication and give you a dosage, along with antibiotics, to keep the pain down and prevent infection.

If he stops eating for more than a day, he could be in serious trouble. Hamsters will quickly go downhill in health if they skip more than just a few meals. He would NEED to see a vet ASAP if this happened. You can try tempting him with yogurt treats, or even normal human yogurt, or chopped fruits and veggies.

If it isn't bleeding excessively, and hammy seems to continue eating normally, chances are he'll be fine and they should grow back in. Rodent incisors (front teeth) grow continuously, so hopefully they will reappear in a few days to weeks!

(I still highly recommend trying to contact a vet, just to make sure the wound looks ok, and to get some pain meds and antibiotics at the very least!!)

**EDIT: it is entirely NOT TRUE that hamsters cannot live without their upper teeth. In fact, veterinarians sometimes even perform surgery to remove the upper or lower teeth because they grow incorrectly (injuring the mouth and gums.) If for some reason your hamster's teeth do not grow back, you will have to begin trimming the lower teeth, because they will no longer be worn down by rubbing against the upper teeth. It is best if a veterinarian shows you how to do this, although sometimes pet store employees also know how.
Reply:you need to put it to sleep, im sorry

hamster and other rodents constantly have their teeth growing and they should grow back in time

in the meantime you should contact your vet and talk to them about what the next step should be. its going to be difficult for him to eat and so there may be other options. please call them, they should at least be able to provide you with info or another vets info to talk about food

it will need soft foods like mushed, pureed veggies etc...
Reply:y did you even buy a hamster if u cant take care of them! : (
Reply:forget those people who said the negative comments. it is serious- but the hamster can survive. take the hamster immediately to the vet or a pet store. they NEED their teeth. it is very essential for them!
Reply:next time, let your hamster bite the cage, it dulls their teeth and they need it to be dulled because it grows continuously, hamsters actually need to bite the wire of the cage. please never tape your hamster anywhere again....and if you cant find a vet, at least call one and ask them what you should do about it, and do research online seeing what kind of food you can give your hamster because you cant give it hard regular hamster food anymore because of its missing teeth. see if you could feed the hamster some soft food, like what babies eat or honey (except for hamsters)
Reply:You don't NEED to take them to the vet, it is a good idea but not ecential.

You need to crush up the hamsters pet bock really well while the hamsters healing. Also start feeding him oats.
Reply:give the hamster realy fine stuff like yogurt or really chopped up stuff if your lucky then they might grow back good luck! PS WHY DID YOU DO THAT ANYWAY!
Reply:u dont need to put it to sleep. but its serious so you have to take it to a pet store or vet really soon. they need their teeth for a lot-eating, chewing, etc. the teeth will grow back in a few days, ut till then you have to take it to some pet place

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