Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why does prehistoric "people" doesn't have much missing teeth as opposed to us, we brush our teeth everyday?

the didn't live all that long, one 25 or 30 was an old person!

Why does prehistoric "people" doesn't have much missing teeth as opposed to us, we brush our teeth everyday?
Have you ever met a prehistoric person to know this? Or are you going by Hollywood pictures?
Reply:They didn't eat all the processed food and sugar we do, plain and simple.
Reply:Dont laugh.. the answeer is simple.. THEY NEVER ATE THE JUNK WE DO..Between the sugar and crap in the food today its a wonder anyone has teeth, brushing or not... ROB
Reply:Do some research. Old age for prehistoric people was age 30. They didn't have time to lose their teeth...they died first. Those who did live to an older age did sometimes lose their teeth. Abscessed teeth killed many because they had no treatments. King Tut himself possibly died of an abscessed tooth. Diet is also a very important key. Remember they ate harder foods, nuts, berries and animals they killed. It's the softer foods that cause periodontal disease...and the vast array of sugars. They didn't have sugar.
Reply:well studies say that with evolution human have more number of missing teeth. intially our ancestors had four molars we have three. these days it is not uncommon to see people with missing third molars. it has genetic as well as environmental influences,may also be related to behavioural changes.
Reply:because they ate no sugar and no junk and processed food!
Reply:No sugar and they didn't live that long. If I'd died when I was about 25-30, I'd still have all my teeth, too.


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