Friday, July 31, 2009

One of my dogs lower front teeth is missing and now the one next to it is loose. He is a pit mix an 5 yrs old.

He is very healthy, active and seems fine. The one small tooth is gone and the second one next to it turned a brown color and is loose. He does not seem to mind if I look at it and even move it a bit, thats how I found out it was loose. Every other tooth looks white and healthy. His gums look really good and he is happy, eating well. Anyone ever have this problem with their dog? He does chew alot of rawhides and natual bones as well.

One of my dogs lower front teeth is missing and now the one next to it is loose. He is a pit mix an 5 yrs old.
My neighbor had a dog with "separation anxiety" and would actually bite at the gate when they'd leave. He gradually lost all 4 lower front teeth to biting so hard in a frenzy. Have your vet check his teeth....if he's losing them to gum disease or some other infection, then it needs to be taken care of by them. Rawhide and natural bones should not cause teeth to fall out.....something else is going on. It's vet time for your little boy.
Reply:Sorry, this is the dental forum--for people. Ask a veterinarian.
Reply:pull its tooth dont let it suffer.

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