Sunday, August 2, 2009

Would you date someone if they were missing one or more of their teeth when they smile?

Or would it be an instant turn off?

Would you date someone if they were missing one or more of their teeth when they smile?
if you really like the person it doesn't matter what they look like it matters whats in their heart
Reply:Front teeth is a firm requirement.
Reply:No way...instant turn off
Reply:depends how old they are, and if they are going to get it fixed...
Reply:If I like them, yes.
Reply:Yes, I'm a redneck. That;s a turn on.
Reply:If she had NO teeth, maybe we could talk.
Reply:if they have a good personality and stuff to go with it then sure. looks arent everything.
Reply:instant turnoff.
Reply:Yes,Don,t judge a book by it,s cover...Teeth can be fixed by the dentist!!!!
Reply:If someone smiled and saw teeth missing I would not date them.
Reply:if they were cute .. yes--

if not then noo-- lol
Reply:Not unless they plan to get the tooth or teeth fixed.
Reply:i've seen some damn good looking people with dental problems........ yes
Reply:one of my friends has one of his front teeth missing, AND he's on the math team, but he has a cool girlfriend.
Reply:Depends what kind of person they are.
Reply:It wouldn't matter, it's quite easy to get them fixed
Reply:instant turn off....if it was one of their back teeth that you wouldn't notice right away then yeah, why not?
Reply:if they were ok and if the teeth they were missing were in the back where u can't see it
Reply:I did once or twice. It really gave me the heebee jeebees. Eventually, I decided she would be better off being a friend.

A friend of mine called her "Snagletooth"
Reply:thats disgusting
Reply:Teeth are important to me. You have to take care of your teeth. If someone is missing teeth or has poor dental hygiene it's a definite turn-off and it shows that they don't take care of themselves.
Reply:It is whats on the inside that counts.

teeth can be fixed
Reply:instant turn off i seriously doubt i could be attracted 2 some1 missing teeth..
Reply:Depends on which tooth it was (like is it one of the front ones?) and what it does to their overall look. I think they would have to have their front teeth for me.
Reply:There are a lot more important factors about someone than their teeth. I couldn't say, it would depend on all of the rest. If they had a great personality and everything else, of course I would- their teeth is one of the last things I would consider. Plus, they can always get it fixed. If you end up dating seriously, buy them a new tooth!
Reply:Instant turn off. I don't think I would be interested in someone who didn't take enough pride in his appearance not to visit the dentist once in a while.
Reply:It can be a good thing if they are going to be involved in some gratification activities involving you and your...............well you get the picture!!! Naw, on second thought, run for the hills!!!!!
Reply:thats a hard question, but are you with them for looks or personality, looks are great but people with a great personality have more to offer. As long as you accept it then who cares what others think (teeth are very expensive to fix)

my cat

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