Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've had three teeth pulled about a year ago.. should I first get braces or can I do bridge?

I went to the dentist today and she insisted that my teeth that I removed about a year ago are starting to shift so I should first get braces and then get implants... of course she's an implant specialist so I thought maybe she just wanted us to use her expensive services.

I never thought about actually getting braces because I didn't think my teeth really needed them.. I asked her if I can just do a bridge now and then get braces after and she said no.. it won't work.. but since I never intended on braces until she mentioned them.. should I just go with implants without doing the braces afterwards? Or even just a bridge now without doing braces afterwards.. I know the teeth next to the missing teeth may have shifted just slightly but wouldnt a bridge now stop it from keep moving out of place? obvoiusly the surrounding teeth won't be perfectly straight but who has perfectly straight teeth anyway?

Can a professional please advise me.. I really can't afford both braces and bridge

I've had three teeth pulled about a year ago.. should I first get braces or can I do bridge?
I have to get a bridge later on in life for my badly chipped teeth, but my dentist recomended that I get braces first so that they can correctly put the bridge on when your teeth are straight. Plus if you dont want the bridge,get braces because if you have chipped teeth they pull them together and make the chip look smaller. But if you just have missing teeth, then get braces becausethey will pull your other teeth together.
Reply:Bridges are really annoying. Food gets caught underneath them, and you have to excuse yourself to clean it out from under the bridge~really inconvenient if your eating fast food in the car. You didn't say whether they were front or back teeth.

Some dentists like to keep you in their chairs in order to fill their pockets. A friend of mine had a lot of her teeth capped, and when he got done with that he announced that he would now like to pull them all and give her false teeth~WTF.


Can bridges on either side of gapped front teeth pulled together by braces prevent the gap from returning?

If a person has only 4 top teeth in front (the two front teeth and the fangs) because the teeth adjacent to the two front teeth genetically never formed (x-rays show nothing there), and so these 4 teeth are spread appart and gapped, can they be fixed with bridges? They were "fixed" 10 yrs. ago with wide caps to fill the gaps, but that looks unnatural. The dentist thinks that the wide gap between the 2 front teeth is caused by the frenum and needs a frenectomy. Can't braces pull the fangs back where they belong and pull the 2 front teeth together? And if the missing tooth between the front one and the fang is added with a bridge (thus needing 2 bridges for 2 sides), wouldn't the bridges keep the gap between the 2 front teeth from reappearing even without an upper labial frenectomy?

Can bridges on either side of gapped front teeth pulled together by braces prevent the gap from returning?
For proper tissue contour and esthetics you would probably want to do the frenectomy, with possibly pre-prosthetic orthodontics.

Dentists do not ordinarily replace fangs, but you can pick up some plastic ones at the Dollar Store.
Reply:You might consider implants in place of the 2 lateral incisors that are missing after the ortho has created the spaces again. This would prevent you from having to crown the 4 virgin teeth that would act as your abutment or anchor teeth for bridges. Check with an oral surgeon to see if you'd have enough bone for implants.

The diastima or gap usually will reocurr if the tissue is too thick between the central incisors. You need the surgery to reduce the tissue.
Reply:Braces can pull apart %26amp; push together.

I had braces for 2 and a half years. And you have to continue wearing your retainer for years to keep them straight.

[I've got the clear retainer, so it's all good]


Will having my fifth tooth from the right cause teeth shifting?

My top front teeth are straight, but I'm wondering if they might shift in the direction of the missing tooth- I don't want to end up with one tooth in the middle!

I'm 21 years of age, and the upper tooth being removed is fifth from the right in a very crowded mouth. A few people have said teeth from the back only move foward, not the front moving to the side.?

Will having my fifth tooth from the right cause teeth shifting?

Reply:I had the same thing done when I was about 17, I am now 29, and no teeth have moved. This is something you need to talk about with your dentist or oral surgeon, as everyone is different.
Reply:Once a permanent tooth is removed, the teeth do shift over time. You could eventually have a implant put in or a bridge to replace the tooth and prevent teeth shifting.


Help bad teeth and very embarressed!?

I have never done any drugs but I have about four missing teeth, luckily they are toward the back. I don't dare to go to a dentist cause I'm so embarressed it looks horrible inside my mouth. where the teeth are missing the spots have gone black. my teeth are always chipping and cracking. no drugs, and I always brush and take care of my mouth???

Help bad teeth and very embarressed!?
it is not your fault. go to the dentist. he is there to correct things. you may be embarassed with friends.. but y dentist
Reply:go to a dentist they can help you
Reply:Go to dentist's asap!!! Dentists never make you embarassed, believe me.

You will suffer from toothache, which is terrible and wat is more, your mouth will smell bad.
Reply:It sounds like you have had a very poor diet for an extended period of time. Your body is lacking calcium and probably other vitamins. If you have had kids that is another reasons why your teeth are in bad shape. Every pregnancy takes away something from a woman that they never get back. Try eating healthier, you need to start taking a multi-vitamin everyday and by all means if you have the money go see the dentist I'm sure they have seen worse!!
Reply:you might not eat proper vitamins which keep them healthy,or you have very fragile teeth and need to go to dentist to help you with them... brushing does not always prevent teeth from any cavities...
Reply:Ok, any dentist has seen worse than yours. If you have insurance than get them fixed if you dont then go to a place like western dental where you can make payments. Theres not much thats more important to your appearance than your teeth its one of the first thing people see when they look at you. I had a chipped front tooth and couldnt even get a job untill I fixed it. By fixing yours you will have much more confidence.
Reply:It takes more than just brushing. A professional will clean your teeth better than you can and they can diagnose other problems. Your teeth may be chipping, cracking, etc due to something beyond your control. I know it's embarrassing because I have been in a situation similar to yours (with my wisdom teeth), but it's better if you take care of it now by seeing a dentist. There are dentists that offer "sleep dentistry" where you are under anesthesia for your visit and they can take care of multiple problems in one visit. This type of dentistry is for people who are scared of dentists, embarrassed, etc. You should look into this.
Reply:Hey pal dont worry and dont feel terrified or embarrased, go visit a dentist coz only he can help u . Think of the beautiful smile u can have later on and dreaming about tht gear up urself 2 visit the dentist.
Reply:Dentists have seen a lot worse than your mouth. At least you brush your teeth. I had that problem. Now, all of my top teeth are gone and the bottom goes tomorrow. Now, that is creepy and my dentist isn't upset with me. YOu probably have some type of chemical imbalance or something is definately wrong with your teeth. Please get to dentist now because things will only get worse. If that happens, you will look like me. I will be without teeth for a few mounths and that is extremely embarrassing; beat that one.
Reply:yeah why don't u go to a dentist it's simple
Reply:The others have given you the best opinion. Go to the dentist. In the meantime let me give you a little advice:

1. Do not consume sodas and other drinks laced with sugar.

2. Do not brush your teeth with tooth paste immediately after a meal especially if you have consumed orange juice, and other acidic foods.

3. Floss every night before going to bed.

4. Brush your teeth immediately after flossing.

5. If you can also gargle with alcohol free mouth wash then u should.

6. Do not eat any sweets, especially toffee that stick to your teeth

7. Eat a small piece of cheese at night after all your meals.


Reply:My teethe are not bad at the front but are bad at the back, i too am embaressed but i went eventually he was good but as with all dentists he loved giving me a lecture about teeth but just go! once you've got sorted you will wish you went sooner. good luck
Reply:Don't worry about going to see the dentist... that is the best thing you can do. Trust me... he or she has probably seen MUCH worse!
Reply:The dentist can make you a partial that will fit where your teeth are missing at.

city opera

What is considered to be "bad teeth"?

Like when a guy says "bad teeth" are a deal breaker? Does that mean missing teeth? snaggle tooth? I just wonder because I have a small space in between my front 2 teeth, and its not that my teeth are missing or anything its just a slight space, i just wondered if this is considered to be "bad teeth"

What is considered to be "bad teeth"?
I guess it's kinda relative. You might not have perfect teeth but I don't think they're bad. Jewel has that snaggle tooth but her teeth aren't that bad. They seem pretty healthy. Bad teeth to me means they're yellow/crooked/big gaps/missing some teeth. If you've gaps where you're missing teeth, you kinda look like a hillbilly and that would probably be a deal breaker.
Reply:I don't think a slight space is considered bad. If they are really crooked ,yellow, or rotten, that's bad.

nanny agency

How common is it to be missing a wisdom tooth?

I have to get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow... I only have 3 of them, 2 on the bottom and 1 on the top left. I'm missing one on my top right for whatever reason. Just wondering, how common is it to be missing wisdom teeth (naturally)?

How common is it to be missing a wisdom tooth?
Apparently, it's fairly common. I never had any wisdom teeth at all.
Reply:I don't have any wisdom teeth. It isn't that uncommon. It's the next evolutionary step since we have no room for them, humans are genetically phasing them out.
Reply:Very common, and be thankful, that's one less you have to have pulled. Here is a freak of nature story- my neice was missing two on the bottom, my nephew had two extra on the bottom, and they are 4 years apart!
Reply:very common....
Reply:Same as you I have one missing, but on the bottom.

I have only had to have one on the top removed, because it tried to grow in.

I still have 2 left, and I'm 38 !!
Reply:need help finding it?
Reply:your wisdom are going to fall out so it common
Reply:Hi, I'm 46 and I've only got one wisdom tooth. I don't think that it's at all uncommon for people not to get all of their wisdom teeth.
Reply:Yes it is very common to not have wisdom teeth. If you are missing one because it never grew, that is fine. My mom only had two.
Reply:i dont know but hows Gigi oh and remember when your doing a delivery[on your broom stick] dont go to high ,remember what hap pend last time.oh and in the meare future you will accidentally put a spell on the red shoes you get from the shoe store you looked at when you got to the town,after you bought them after the incedent with the blimp[the blimp thing was caused by one of your long lost sisters] oh and you turn evil move 2 oz then a house drops on you .
Reply:this is a common thing. some people are born without them some even with 5. but it is in your favor, you only have to get 3 out. no worries!
Reply:It's actually fairly common to be missing one wisdom tooth. I don't have the numbers, but I'd guess that it happens over 10% of the time.
Reply:i only had 3. i only had 2 pulled out tho, coz ive had heaps out from the top so they said id never have a problem with them. :D

opera sheet music

About teeth coming in?

I have 14 month old twins. My sons teeth are normal, but my daughters are coming in wierd. Her bottom two teeth came in first and then the one next to the top two in front. She has never gotten her top two front teeth and now the tooth on the other side of her front two missing teeth is coming in. Should I be worried that her two front teeth are not coming in? Has this happened to anyone else?

About teeth coming in?
I have 10 month old twins, they are doing the exact same thing. The youngest (Marah) has been mommies little vampire for nearly a month now. Shes finely cutting the front two. I took them to the dentist because I was worried about that to and its all normal. The oldest one (Rozalyn) has almost a full mouthful. So It just depends on the baby.
Reply:I've heard of it happening, but if they have teeth, they should be going to the dentist. Ask them when you go, just to be sure. :)
Reply:Take her to the dr. It is probably normal but just to make sure go to the dr.
Reply:the teeth come when they want. if you are really a worried about it then take her to the dentist.
Reply:i have twins and one of mine was exactly the same. sometimes it just takes a while is what the doctor told us. she now has all her teeth with no problems.
Reply:My son's teeth came in like that. first his two bottom front teeth, then the ones on the sides of the two front top teeth. after that his two front ones came in, and then the bottom in the back, with space for two on each side, and then again like that on the top. At this moment the teeth in the missing spots are coming in. It's kinda sporadic, I never really figured it might not be normal, but the doc's always said he was perfectly healthy every thing's as it should be. As long as they don't come in crooked it should be fine.
Reply:My daughters teeth came in all weird like that. She only had two bottom teeth by the time she was 2 and then her bottom sides and finally the top 2. The dentist reassured us that the teeth were there but with only 6 teeth at the age of 3 I was beginning to wonder. She is 4 now and has all 20 of her teeth. I have heard that when they get there teeth late that they have stronger teeth. (I am sure its an old wives tale)

They say by the age of 3 your children should see the dentist. Before that time, take them with you (maybe one at a time) when you go for a cleaning so they can see what happens. Let them sit on your lap and have the dentist look in their mouth.


Pomeranian bad teeth?

my 4 year old pomeranian has really bad teeth i always try to brush them but he just starts moving and fighting. then once i got a good look at his teeth and he had a bunch of missing teeth and his right canine teeth at the top are orangy brown and i was wondering wat could i do to let me brush his teeth and if i took him to the vet to get his teeth checked wat would the price range be...i live in texas if that is some how relevant.

and do all pomeranians not like to get there teeth brushed??

Pomeranian bad teeth?
Little dogs are well known to posess "garbage" mouths, so its not uncommon for your Pom to be losing his teeth. Well you are doing a good job by trying to brush his teeth so I applaud you on that but then again trying isnt doing. Is there someone at home with you that can restraint your dog while you brush his teeth? Maybe have a parent or friends help you, to do this just get a towel (a big one) and put it on your dogs back so it hangs over his sides like a blanket. Then pick him up and tuck the ends of the blanket around him almost like you are making a doggie burrito. Then have your helper hold him in the doggie burrito (make sure his head is sticking out lol) then you can brush his teeth without him getting away. If he starts to wrestle and fight correct him with a firm No! not yelling just firm and deep. make sure your helper keeps a tight grip on the burrito too. Keep practicing this and shortly you should be able to brush his teeth without him wrestling and maybe even without a partner. Now since your dog is already displaying signs of peridontal disease I suggest taking your dog to the vet and getting a cleaning. These can range anywhere from $50 to $150 depending on your vet and the extent of the decay and yuck in his mouth. Once you get that done you need to really keep up with the brushing, your vet can tell you how often you need to a week. This will slow down the chances of him developing bad gum disease and losing all of his teeth. Once you develop a routine keep in mind that every 4 or 6 months you should go in and get another dental cleaning just to make sure everything is in good order. I hope this helps you some!
Reply:Oh my gosh. I love pomeranians anyways well you might want to just watch the teeth in case they get worse!
Reply:My long hair chihuahua (she could almost be considered as a Pomeranian) has orangy brown teeth near the top of her teeth but she has no teeth missing. maybe you should get a dog tooth brush and toothpaste and brush his teeth once a day. see if that works. if his teeth keep falling out, you might want to consider to see a vet cause if all his teeth fall out he wont be able to eat. so i would definitely consider seeing a vet. also make sure you are not feeding him food that could be causing it in any way. also try to get the smallest food possible so that it does not knock his teeth out. I really hope this helps!
Reply:Best thing to do is take him to the vet, he may need a dental cleaning done. After the cleaning you can try him on a food that helps to clean their teeth while they eat. Its great that you have tried brushing, some dogs will just not tolerate having it done. Its hard to say how much it would cost, you can call around different vets as they all charge different fees.
Reply:Sounds like the dog needs a dental. Take the dog into the vet and talk about the dogs teeth and ask about a dental. Your dog has calculus(plaque, tartar) build up on the teeth.

My vet charges me $150 for a dental.

Give the vet a call and ask how much a dental costs for a pomeranian.

If you start brushing at a young age there is no fuss with brushing the teeth.

Once the teeth are cleaned brush the teeth daily.
Reply:You do want to take your dog to the vet so they can look at his teeth. I'm not sure how much it would be for a medical exam, but you can call and ask. And the doctor might then suggest that he gets a dental cleaning. They can give you an estimate for how much that might cost, and what goes into it. Generally your dog would stay at the clinic for a day, and he would be anesthetized. Then his teeth would get cleaned with an ultra sonic scaler to remove the calculus (which can't be removed by brushing alone), hand scaled, polished, and they would apply flouride. But your veterinarian will be able to go into more details with you about that.

For brushing his teeth, this will help reduce any more plaque from building up on his teeth. You will have to go slow to start, and you want to make it fun. You only have to brush the outer surfaces of his teeth, focusing on the back molars. Be sure to use Dog Tooth paste.

To start you want to put him up on a table, or the dryer, or something tall. Apply a small amount of tooth paste to the brush, and just brush a few teeth very quickly. Once you are done, Priase him Like Crazy! And give him a good treat. Around the same time the next day, do the same thing. Brush just a few teeth very quickly. Then immediately Praise Like Crazy! And give him a treat. After a while he should start associating having his teeth brushed with praise and treats. And you should be able to brush a few more teeth each time, spending a little more time in his mouth. I hope this helps! Good Luck!
Reply:My personal choice would be to switch diet. At least a high quality kibble if you don't already feed that, but preferably some RAW/BARF. It really helps on the teeth as well as makes the dog healthier in general. Since his teeth are already problematic you would have to start with small bones and easier to chew pieces.

You wouldn't believe how good my dogs' teeth look, including my 11 year old ones'.
Reply:i have a pomeranian and they need constant teeth cleaning!!

look 4 good dog bones!!

opera mobile

How do i get more teeth?

you had a show that you put stuff on your teeth to make them look like you were missing teeth. well that hurt me i am a person that is missing teeth and i was in front of people when you did that. i was so embarresed. i am trying to fix them but have to choose between teeth or house payment or food for my family. dont know what to do to fix them i have suffered with missing teeth for a long time now. i love your show. but please think of what your saying or doing before you do that again.

How do i get more teeth?
I think you should go to a dentist. I think they're the ones who would be able to give you more teeth, though they may not be real. But they can definitely make them look real.
Reply:no i did not have a show

but i empathize with you
Reply:Try to find a dentist that will work with you in the form of payments, they are out there, just hard to find. Don't give up you will find a dentist who actually cares enough to do this for you!


Lost a lot of teeth?

I have ,over this last year, had to have most of my side teeth, on one side, pulled out, and a few on the other side.

I am unable to chew/eat on one side now because there's no teeth to chew with. %26amp; no smile.

I want to know IF or WHEN or HOW FEW ; before the dentist will replace any missing teeth on NHS?

I am getting so worried , I keep having nightmares about loosing the rest of my teeth too!

The dentist has told me 2 ways of having a "new tooth" put in, both very expensive, one in the thousands!

Do I really have to go without teeth because I cannot afford to pay that much? Or are the NHS required to help and make sure I have some teeth to eat with?

I am not that old, and to be with out teeth already is really upseting.

Anyone know any advice please?

and pls no silly comments about cleaning teeth. apparently it's my arthritis medication thats caused my teeth to weeken so much that they have shattered, even on chewing a soft sweet!

Pls, anyone any help out there?? xx

Lost a lot of teeth?
Hi, The NHS will not pay for tooth implants (I suspect this is the option offered to you that was so expensive). They will pay for bridge work but that may not be an option if all of the teeth on that side are missing.

The only realistic option is likely to be a partial denture which is available on the NHS.

The NHS reorganised dentistry in April 2006 and instead of a whole range of prices, all treatments now fall within 3 bands. Band 1 is £15.90 and covers examination, x-rays, scale and polish. Band 2 is £43.60 and covers for fillings, root canal work and extractions. Band 3 is £194 and this covers bridges, crowns, dentures.

As you can see, unfortunately even a denture is pricey. There are some categories of patient that are exempt from paying such as those on certain benefits. It may be worth seeing if you qualify. If you are not sure call NHS Direct and ask to speak to a Health Information Adviser. They will provide info as to what you may be entitled to. Good Luck
Reply:sorry for you
Reply:I don't know what NHS is, but I have mainecare it's like medicare and they won't pay for any dental work for adults. I think you'll just have to save up and pay for them yourself. Sorry.
Reply:Implants are the best answer, not available on the NHS, cost about £2,500 + per tooth. You can have a partial denture which is available on the NHS - particularly as your tooth loss is due to the arthritis medication. Sounds like your dentist is not NHS. I had something similar, maybe not quite so bad. Chewed on my gums for years! After a while they did quite well. Finally saved up and am now the proud possessor of some implants.

I am sorry this is miserable. Could you ask your GP if anything is available and how you find an NHS dentist. Good Luck.
Reply:if you are NHS then you can get dentures even if you are missing just 1 tooth so if you are having problems eating then you deffinately should get some. Implants are very expensive but very effective but that would depend on the condition of the bone. maybe you should discuss with your GP if their is any other meds you could take or anything else that could improve the condition of your teeth, don't just worry about things - talk to the appropriate people!
Reply:I really feel for you, because of bulimia I had to have all of my teeth taken out as they were badly eroded and were causing almost constant infections. I now have full dentures at the age of 32. I was embarrassed at first, but it's not too bad now that I'm used to them. On the NHS, they won't do teeth "implants", but they will do partial dentures that can replace the lost teeth. I do however foresee that if it's your medication causing the problems, you may have to have them all taken out sooner or later and get full dentures. I realise that you don't want to hear this, but this is the truth, your shattered teeth will cause nasty infections. Talk to your dentist more about this as soon as possible.
Reply:Try this link....very helpful and some good advice.
Reply:Hope to give a glimmer of hope. I too have the same problem. In 6 years I have lost all but 3 of my upper teeth. Again, like you I am not old and I have cared for my teeth. Yours is due to your medication, mine, according to my dentist, is hereditary (my mother lost all her top teeth at 27). I have a partial plate at the moment and in Jan will have the remainder out, replacing with a full plate. I know how distressing it can be - smiling is the last thing on your mind. I stopped going out for the last 6 months. However, cost- wise I have been lucky. I have a great NHS dentist who has fought 'tooth and nail' (pardon the pun) to save my teeth and, have a great dental plan with a company called NDP. I pay £13 per month and that entitles me to £500 worth of treatment within a year. I have had no problem with NDP - I simply get my dentist to fill in the appropriate form and send it off with the receipt. Within 2-3 weeks the reimbursement cheque arrives. However, the downside is that you have to pay the dentist up front first, then get your money back from NDP. So, obviously you have to find/borrow the money first. The telephone for NDP is: 020 7480 7201. Email: Obviously when contacting them don't mention ongoing treatment - simply say that you would like to become a customer. Hope this helps and I wish you all the best.

Loose Baby Teeth with braces on. PLEASE HELP!?

I have had braces for about 2months now. All my molars are from young and i still have a front baby teeth. My dentist said that i have no adult teeth under my remaining baby teeth-at all. So i have a couple of random gaps. I have a baby teeth on my third teeth from the top middle and have a missing teeth on the second teeth the other side if it makes sense.

Now with braces to get rid of the gaps, it feels like my baby teeth is going to fall out (it feels loose?) I'm worried and i don't know what to do if it falls out as it seems like the other teeth are pushing it out so that it is more protruding compared to all my other teeth.

Do all baby teeth have to fall out even without the adult teeth under it?? What will i do if it does fall out as i have my braces on!?! Would it mean that they will have to push my molars to the front?

thanks in advance!!

Loose Baby Teeth with braces on. PLEASE HELP!?
If the baby tooth is loose, it usually has to come out, I wouldn't worry too much, since you are under the care of an orthodontist, and he should have plans to fix this situation anyway.

you have 2 options for treatment after losing this tooth, it's either your orthodontist closes the gap by bringing the teeth forward, if he thinks is aesthetically appealing, or leave a space in the place of the missing tooth, and plan on restoring it with an Implant or a bridge later.

ask your orthodontist what he thinks the best option for you.
Reply:First can I say teeth is the plural form of tooth. That being said, If you have no adult teeth under your baby teeth then it should be fine. yes all your teeth will be pushed forward to replace the gap, and yes all of your baby teeth have to fall out.
Reply:Speak with your orthodontist if you're worried.I remember when I had braces my teeth felt like that sometimes with all that pressure. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have any more baby teeth, as orthodontists won't put braces on you if you do.

I wouldn't worry, your teeth are shifting all over the place, so it's going to feel weird.

Worst comes to worst and they are loose, there are many ways of replacing teeth, i've got an implant, best thing I ever did!

But i'm sure your teeth aren't falling out hun.
Reply:If the tooth has a braces thing on it, it will not come out... it will out of your gum... I had a loose tooth when i had my braces... the dentist took it out... it seems like he cut the wires, pulled the tooth, then redid the wires... but it was a LONG time ago... like 8 or 9 years so it is hard to remember...

Visual Basic

Is there a product to replaceindividual teeth-if you only have 1 or2 missing?

You do have a few choices. The number one choice would be dental implants. Implants are actually placed into the gum and are as functional as a natural tooth. This route can be a bit pricey, but it is worth it. Once's not going anywhere, as long as you maintain it.

I am unsure as to whether or not the two teeth you are missing are next to eachother, but even if they are not, you are a candidate for a bridge. This procedure is done by preping the two teeth oposite the missing tooth. You will be fabricated a temporary bridge while your permanant is frabricated in a lab( takes about 2-3 weeks for the perm. to come back). Once your case is back the temp will be removed and the perm. will be cemented. This is a bit cheaper than implants. But you must dedicate yourself to cleaning around it and under it properly.

A Maryland bridge is also an option, yet I don't believe many dentist prefer this procedure. I have been a dental assistant for a while and have never preformed the procedure. I believe instead of a 3 unit bridge, it is only a 2 unit bridge. This would mean that only one tooth is actually cemented which isn't as sturdy as a 3 unit bridge.

A temporary option could be a "flipper". This is a lab made tooth that will fit in the space. This is not a functional method. The appliance is made out of an acrylic type of material and has clasps on either side to anchor it.

There are many other options. Most dentists would most likely recommend a dental implant or a 3 unit bridge.

Is there a product to replaceindividual teeth-if you only have 1 or2 missing?
umm ry no none that ive heard of , go to a dentist they will fix your problem
Reply:Yes. A bridge or implants. Those are your choices.
Reply:Yes, they are called "dental implants". They are expensive, but worth it. Consult a dentist or 2 or 3 for advice and get a written estimate first. You will have to pay in advance. They take about 2 months and 3 or 4 visits each. I know people who have almost all their teeth replaced this way. They swear by it.

Reply:You can have a bridge installed or if you have deep pockets you can have a stud installed in your jaw and a new tooth cemented to the stud.
Reply:You can go to the dentist and be fitted with a flesh-colored retainer of sorts with teeth attached to it. It costs a lot less than dentures, implants, or bridges, but the only problem is that the teeth can break off if you aren't careful.
Reply:Look for patient information on implants on these sites:
Reply:There are so many different types of 'appliances' out there, that are available for you...

Bridges.. link the adjacent teeth together, which in turn also replaces the missing tooth. It's a 'non-removable' appliance. Once its cemented in, you cant remove it. Costly, but worth it, around $1300 give or take.

Implants.. basically a screw is put into your bone, where the missing tooth is, then they fit it with a crown. This technique is also 'non-removable'. It's very costly, were talking thousands, (around $2000 give or take for the implant and the crown). AND, not ALL people can get them. A gum specialist called a 'Periodontist' will evaluate you and your gums to see if a implant is right for your case. He will also judge to see if your gums are healthy enough to take an implant procedure.

There's also 'Removable' appliances..

For 'front upper teeth' specifically.. theres 'Flippers' and/ or 'Valplasts'.. there both made of plastic material or an acrylic material, both shaded in the color of your gum tissue. It's unnoticable to others, they'll never know you have it. It's not costly, compared to other options. BOTH are around acouple hundred dollars, ($300-500).

Then you have 'Partials'.. these can be for the lower and/or upper teeth. These are more costly than the Flippers/Valplast, BUT still cheaper than the 'non- removable' appliances. You can get 'partials' in Metal or Plastic/Acrylic materials. They usually run you a few hundred dollars ($800 give ot take).

So there's your options... take a pick... Hope this helps!!

Nanny Profile

Stupid teeth. i cant smile!?

i wore braces since last year (im in the 8th grade), and when the dentist told me i had 2 missing adult teeth, i got really upset. and the missing teeth are next to my front ones. so when the doctor put the braces on, she skipped my two teeth. so everytime i smile, the two teeth would stand out because it's still baby teeth and the color is really white, while the adult teeth's color is darker. what do i do? i hold my laughs or just force a wide, toothless smile so no one would see my different colored teeth. if i have to laugh out loud, i'd put my hand over my mouth. but now my friends are noticing that i do those things everyime i laugh or smile. what do i do? i really want to smile freely! rather than just talking in a serious face because if i talk while smiling, they could notice that i have two white baby teeth on the front. and when i talk to a boy that i like, i'd never smile, i'd always have this serious face, or i'd talk with my hand over my mouth if i cant hold the smile

Stupid teeth. i cant smile!?
I have the same problem, except I don't wear braces and I don't have two baby teeth and I am 13. I have really, really bad teeth that my mum always says my mouth looks likea treasure chest everytime I open my mouth because of the yellow colour. I just let my smile run free. I am a big laugher and I enjoy it. If everyone laughs at it, just make a joke about like, yeah I know hey? Then just change the subject. I hope I helped good luck!
Reply:You are who you are!

If there is something u can do to make it right,it would be cool,but if there is nothing that can be done u should accept the fact.

To be satisfied with who you are and what you got is the best thing int he world.

Trust me i have been there but with different case

Good Luck!
Reply:The dentist isn't done with your teeth yet, right? If you're getting real conscious, I suggest try for more subtler ways to hide your teeth, like develop a nice smile without showing your teeth... well, at least until your braces come off and your teeth get real nice again.


Anyone with a MISSING "I" tooth?

I'm 16 and I have one missing "I" tooth. A couple of years ago my orthodontist said all he would have to do is reshape it, but he had to wait a couple years to let my teeth develop. He also said that I would not need braces. So, I went back months ago, and he found that I have a cross bite, so that would require me getting braces on my bottom teeth, and also that I would need to have an implant for my missing "I" tooth.

So, what I don't understand is why is it that before he

I needed to reshape that area, but now I need an implant?

Also, is an implant the best way to go? HAS ANYONE been in a similar situation!!!!

Anyone with a MISSING "I" tooth?
It is hard to give you a good answer without all the information (actually seeing your teeth, models, x-rays, etc.). Generally speaking, I would think that either choice would be a reasonable treatment plan for someone missing one canine ("I" tooth). Like I said, without the specific information it's hard to say which way I would recommend for you. I think you might want to go get a second opinion and talk to them about the two ways your orthodontist has told you about. Often, when getting a second opinion the dentist will be more free to explain the options because they won't be the one performing the treatment--so be sure and tell them that you'll be having whichever treatment you choose done by the other orthodontist, otherwise they might spend all their time trying to convince you to come to him or her instead. You should tell the second opinion orthodontist exactly what your orthodontist said and have them explain the good and bad things about each option.
Reply:Which one is the "I" tooth?

I am missing the tooth next to my front tooth. never had it. Grew up feeling fine until I went to a dentist and they made me start this whole braces and implant thing.

I have been in this whole braces fiasco for 4-5 years. I was happier without my tooth. Now I have a huge gap, that they opened up for the implant, and I am forced to live with that until I am done with treatment.

SUCKS. If your okay with it... then let it be.


My son, who is 11, keeps pulling his teeth out. He has about 8 missing now. Is this normal? Is this dangerous?

His next dental check up is in August, so I hope his dentist will concur with me that this isn't "right".

My son, who is 11, keeps pulling his teeth out. He has about 8 missing now. Is this normal? Is this dangerous?
This is not right. Take him to the doctor as soon as possible.
Reply:Its not normal but its not dangerous.Depends on how old he is and if the tooth is already loose.

Reply:if they are baby teeth, they are supposed to come out but if they are permanent teeth it's not normal. Ask him why he pulls them out.
Reply:I don't think that's right at all...are they baby teeth or adult?
Reply:You need to get him to a dentist NOW!!! Don't wait.
Reply:This is not normal. Take him to the dentist.

Java and C++

One more! yo mommas teeth are in so bad shape,missing,rotting etc.that her !!?

tooth brush has just one bristle on it.

One more! yo mommas teeth are in so bad shape,missing,rotting etc.that her !!?
Reply:Okay......I am not impressed!
Reply:not hilarios... but it made my sister laugh (she's 10)
Reply:Ha, ha??
Reply:not funny!
Reply:Are you making these up?

safari browser

Can u where braces if u have molars missing in the back of yer teeth?

Yes u can. Braces are not put on all teh teeth. Your last tooth would be ur wisdom one. The second tooth before your wisdom is the last point where braces are put if u have all of them. Well if u do have any missing, it can still be put on. The dentist would be able to judge till what tooth the braces would be needed.

Can u where braces if u have molars missing in the back of yer teeth?
yes definately.
Reply:Yes you can, if there are no molars present orthodontic bands can be placed on premolar teeth.
Reply:should be ok

but aks your dentist/orthodotist
Reply:where else would your molars be? anyways yeah i guess it's possible to wear braces with out them
Reply:It's possible to wear braces with molars missing as there are other teeth to use, there are various ways to use other teeth for such purpose...

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Would you date someone if they were missing one or more of their teeth when they smile?

Or would it be an instant turn off?

Would you date someone if they were missing one or more of their teeth when they smile?
if you really like the person it doesn't matter what they look like it matters whats in their heart
Reply:Front teeth is a firm requirement.
Reply:No way...instant turn off
Reply:depends how old they are, and if they are going to get it fixed...
Reply:If I like them, yes.
Reply:Yes, I'm a redneck. That;s a turn on.
Reply:If she had NO teeth, maybe we could talk.
Reply:if they have a good personality and stuff to go with it then sure. looks arent everything.
Reply:instant turnoff.
Reply:Yes,Don,t judge a book by it,s cover...Teeth can be fixed by the dentist!!!!
Reply:If someone smiled and saw teeth missing I would not date them.
Reply:if they were cute .. yes--

if not then noo-- lol
Reply:Not unless they plan to get the tooth or teeth fixed.
Reply:i've seen some damn good looking people with dental problems........ yes
Reply:one of my friends has one of his front teeth missing, AND he's on the math team, but he has a cool girlfriend.
Reply:Depends what kind of person they are.
Reply:It wouldn't matter, it's quite easy to get them fixed
Reply:instant turn off....if it was one of their back teeth that you wouldn't notice right away then yeah, why not?
Reply:if they were ok and if the teeth they were missing were in the back where u can't see it
Reply:I did once or twice. It really gave me the heebee jeebees. Eventually, I decided she would be better off being a friend.

A friend of mine called her "Snagletooth"
Reply:thats disgusting
Reply:Teeth are important to me. You have to take care of your teeth. If someone is missing teeth or has poor dental hygiene it's a definite turn-off and it shows that they don't take care of themselves.
Reply:It is whats on the inside that counts.

teeth can be fixed
Reply:instant turn off i seriously doubt i could be attracted 2 some1 missing teeth..
Reply:Depends on which tooth it was (like is it one of the front ones?) and what it does to their overall look. I think they would have to have their front teeth for me.
Reply:There are a lot more important factors about someone than their teeth. I couldn't say, it would depend on all of the rest. If they had a great personality and everything else, of course I would- their teeth is one of the last things I would consider. Plus, they can always get it fixed. If you end up dating seriously, buy them a new tooth!
Reply:Instant turn off. I don't think I would be interested in someone who didn't take enough pride in his appearance not to visit the dentist once in a while.
Reply:It can be a good thing if they are going to be involved in some gratification activities involving you and your...............well you get the picture!!! Naw, on second thought, run for the hills!!!!!
Reply:thats a hard question, but are you with them for looks or personality, looks are great but people with a great personality have more to offer. As long as you accept it then who cares what others think (teeth are very expensive to fix)

my cat

I have invisalign and I'm missing an attachment on my bottom teeth, I'm supposed to have 6 but i only have 5.

What does this mean, is this going to affect anything? My next orthodonist appointment is in April, what should I do?

I have invisalign and I'm missing an attachment on my bottom teeth, I'm supposed to have 6 but i only have 5.
book it now or even call up and talk to him/her about your problem!
Reply:Contact your dentist and get it corrected

family nanny

I'm missing some of my very back teeth and implants are too expensive , what is a cheaper alternative ?

Are partial dentals comfortable ?

I'm missing some of my very back teeth and implants are too expensive , what is a cheaper alternative ?
Partials take some getting used to, but some patients say that they "don't know they are in there" after they get used to them.

If they are "very, very back," maybe you don't need to replace the missing teeth at all. Can you "add details" or just ask another question and tell us which teeth are missing?
Reply:Thanks for the points! Good luck. Ask if your dentist does "Equipoise" partial dentures, which I think are the best in your situation. Report It

Reply:Or "RPI" partials... Report It

Reply:Partial plate.
Reply:Alot of patients can not get used to partials. Also, they grab onto the healthy teeth with clasps and cause alot of pressure on these teeth over the years. I have seen alot of patients with partials end up loosing the anchor teeth sooner or later. But if you can't afford implants, this may be your next best option.
Reply:About 19 million American adults have no teeth; another 113 million are missing at least one tooth. Many gaps are filled with dentures and bridges. But if you wear such an appliance, you're probably familiar with the limitations which can weaken your bite, cause discomfort, even harm the adjacent teeth.

Dental implants are a major investment and not risk-free. If you need extensive work, you could wind up paying tens of thousands of dollars, spending lots of time in dentists' chairs, and waiting more than a year for your new "teeth."

Standard dentures and bridges have a lot going for them. You can get them fitted in a matter of weeks, the bill won't exceed a few thousand dollars, and dental insurance usually will pay part of the cost. But they do have their drawbacks.

Removable dentures can be hard to eat with because they provide only a fraction of the chewing force of natural teeth. A full lower denture can be especially troublesome; jaw and tongue movements may easily dislodge it. Ill-fitting dentures can be bulky and painful - hard plastic riding atop a thin layer of gum tissue over bone. Partial dentures, which replace a few missing teeth, can also promote tooth decay around their clasps and, by mechanical action, weaken the adjacent teeth.

For people missing just one or a few teeth, a fixed bridge looks and feels more like the real thing and provides near-normal chewing force. It's cemented in place over the natural teeth abutting the gap. But those end teeth first must be ground to stubs, to accommodate caps. Bridges can also weaken other teeth: a fixed bridge that spans too wide a gap can loosen the teeth it's cemented to.


Implants generally look and feel more natural than removable bridges; they provide about the same amount of biting force as fixed bridges but are kinder to neighboring teeth. Although other mechanisms have been used, the implants now typically rely on titanium fixtures inserted into the jawbone during surgery.

The process of drilling holes, inserting fixtures, and attaching teeth can be daunting. For a full set of teeth, four to six fixtures are needed in the lower jaw, and six to eight in the upper, where bone is less dense. Patients wear temporary bridges while the bone heals, which takes three months for the lower jaw and six for the upper. Then it can take three or more months to take impressions, fashion individual teeth or multi-tooth segments, and attach them to the fixtures.

The replacement teeth can take some time to get just right; the bite needs to be well adjusted to distribute pressure evenly.

Each fixture can cost $800 to $2500; each crown, $600 to $1500. While the total cost for a single-tooth implant - $1500 to $4000 - isn't much more than that for a small fixed bridge, costs quickly rise from there. A full upper or lower jaw can cost as much as $18,000 to $30,000 - 10 to 15 times as much as a full denture.

For people who need complete dentures, a slightly less expensive option (around $10,000) is a removable "overdenture" that attaches to two or four posts.

How permanent are these new teeth? No one knows for sure, since the earliest implants are just 30 years old. Most failures appear to occur early on, if a fixture fails to integrate with the bone, or if it comes loose. An implant's reliability seems to be influenced by its location; the survival rate after five years is about 95% for implants in the front of the lower jaw but about 85% for implants in the sides and rear of the upper jaw. In a very few patients, implants fail completely. Dentists usually can replace loose fixtures by letting bone refill the socket and drilling again in a few months.

One reason implants fail is poor oral hygiene. You'll need to floss and brush assiduously, into the openings and around fixtures, using special brushes. You'll also need to be seen by your dentist as often as four times a year.
Reply:Once again, I find myself saying, "yeah, what Dr. Sam said..."

Depends on the teeth on either side of the missing one, if it's on the upper or lower arch, your age, etc.

Also, what do you mean by "expensive"? If something cost more initially, but lasted longer and preserved more of your healthy teeth and gums, would you consider that more costly than something cheaper that had to be replaced every few years?

Don't forget to factor in comfort, longevity, overall health, etc. into your cost calculations.
Reply:Get your full dental work and surgery in India.Dental Surgery is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic/dental surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for international patients as all surgery is not covered by insurance or by the stinking NHS.

They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star .

My cousin got her full dental work and jaw surgery for the cross bite and the overbite problem done there and she is more than very happy with the results.sHe is all praise for this forerunners healthcare company.She paid just 30% of the cost what she was quoted in USA and it was like a wonderful vacation for her.hope this helps.I think she paid only 7000$ for the full dental surgery for which she was quoted 19000 $ in USA.

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How do you tell someone you just met in person from the personals to replace their missing tooth?

If this sounds very superficial; so be it. I just met this guy for a drink last night. I could not believe it; another guy with a tooth missing. Big turnoff for most, if not all, women. How do you tactfully tell them to get it fixed?

How do you tell someone you just met in person from the personals to replace their missing tooth?
Very gently... just aks him to tell you how is that he lost it and we he finishes telling u that asks him why hasn't he fixed it.... hopefuly he'll get the hint. Good luck

windows installer

How many teeth can a person be missing before you rule them out as a sexual partner?

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How many teeth can a girl be missing before her chances of finding a good husband go down?

As long as they're her back teeth she's good to go.

How many teeth can a girl be missing before her chances of finding a good husband go down?
for some men, missing teeth is a plus

the guy above me just proved my theory
Reply:For every missing tooth the man gets uglier
Reply:does the man love you or your teeth..??
Reply:4- just the wisdom teeth. Any other teeth missing is nasty.
Reply:It does not matter! Beauty comes from within!
Reply:There is always dentures.
Reply:Are you kidding? Her chances go up for every missing tooth! she looking to marry a dentist?
Reply:Guess that kinda stuff dont matter down here in Arkansas.
Reply:husbands like toothless grins believe me you have nothing to worry about
Reply:haha. all!
Reply:depends does she live in Kentucky?
Reply:chances will go lower if she loses her front two..
Reply:Depends on how her dentures look! ;)

Implants, crowns, and other work like maryland bridges can look better than the originals. Original teeth can be replaced, though this may cost a bit of money.
Reply:she can be missing her back teeth only. if the front ones are missing and she is looking for a husband she really should get dentures.


Where in France is that place that grows your missing TOOTH?

There is a place in Southern France that has a famous dental surgery (private hosipital) where you can get you missing tooth "grown" yes GROWN. They make an exact replica of it and then it is replaced. But does anyone know where?

Where in France is that place that grows your missing TOOTH?
Grow your own teeth? Been a dentist for over 27 years and never heard of anything close to this.


Side Front tooth is being removed..can not be saved... I work in the public and do not want a missing tooth!!

Will the dentist have something to fill in the empty spot that day?? Or do I have to walk around witha missing tooth. Please help!!

Side Front tooth is being removed..can not be saved... I work in the public and do not want a missing tooth!!
Unless your dentist has taken impressions to make a partial or another word is flipper and that it is there waiting for you then the answer is no. You will be missing that tooth until something can be created through impressions to fill that spot.

The best alternative for you would be to get a tooth implant but they are more expensive. In some cases you can go to a dentist who can remove the tooth,put the implant in and place a tooth that day. But it takes preparation and finding the right one. I know I have immediate implants. I never went one day without teeth.

Just walking in to a dentist to have a tooth removed will leave you toothless in that spot.
Reply:You'll have a space at least for a while.

When the area stabilizes they can put in an implant.
Reply:Have you gone to another dentist for a 2nd opinion? The other teeth will shift. Did they tell you your options? It sounds as if you need a more helpful dentist.
Reply:My dentist did have a fake tooth for that day, but I had to take it out at night. Explain your fears. Try to have it done on a Friday when you won't be around people for a while, because the hole where the tooth was needs to heal and may have to have gauze on it for a while.

Hey, call the dental secretary, she probably has run into this problem many times.

Reply:If they have taken a mold of your teeth then maybe yes, but i think they might not want to put anything there until its healed, you need a week or so for it to heal and to also see that they've removed the tooth completely and that none of the root is left in their rotting. They may be able to put a small "bridge tooth" in its place that isnt permanent that will fill the place. It wont be attached to the gum, but to the tooth beside it. (i had one of those for about 2 weeks, but my dentist charged me quite a hefty bll for it.) also he wont be able to give you a tooth unless youv had a mold taken a week before so it gives them time to make a tooth. I hope this helps :-) and i hope the tooth doesnt hurt too much once its been removed! x
Reply:my sis had all her top teeth removed, and went to a few dentist.. the one she had do the work, made impressions of her teeth, and made dentures for her, before the teeth were removed. so the same day they came out, she had dentures...

not all dentist will do it that way..

she was lucky, but the healing process wasnot easy of course. but at least she had them....
Reply:yes. these can replace your missing tooth:( you can ask your dentist if you need it on the same day but u will compromise the fit of your dentures if your gums are not yet fully healed.)

a DENTAL BRIDGE- Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth.

A bridge is made up of two crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap – these two anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth – and a false tooth/teeth in between. These false teeth are called pontics and can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials. Dental bridges are supported by natural teeth or implants.

DENTURE- denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.



Would a guy date a girl who was missing one of her front teeth?

Yeah honestly I would , my best friend missed a front tooth , and I missing one in the back , we are boxers. But I hope you got tough skin because I would crack allot of jokes on ya.

Would a guy date a girl who was missing one of her front teeth?
if hes a hillbilly maybe..cant u get it capped?
Reply:some guys would. For me, to be totally honest it would depend on what other assets you brought to the table, so to speak.
Reply:I wouldn't. Not be superficial but I love nice teeth and a pretty smile so much that it wouldn't work
Reply:I guess it would depend on why she is missing one of her front teeth. It sort of shows that she doesn't care too much about her appearance I think.
Reply:Would a girl date a guy who was missing on of his front teeth? The question works both ways.

Chances are no.
Reply:I don't think I would. I mean I can look past most things if the person is right for me, but missing a front tooth would just drive me insane.
Reply:i think that most girls or girlswould like guys with missing teeth cuts both ways,depends on whether they are Mike tyson or one of his boxing brothers.


How long can you have your tooth missing before you get your implants?

I've had my tooth extracted in august of 2006 and I am still trying to scavenge for money before I get my implants. I understand that the roots start to shift if there's a missing tooth. How much longer can I wait before that starts to happen? Thanks!

How long can you have your tooth missing before you get your implants?
Of course everyone if different, but I have heard of people getting implants years after having a tooth removed.
Reply:Well, it starts soon after, but it's a slow process. Also, you may get what's called a 'knife's edge' as far as the bone goes where there hasn't been anything there and the bone starts wearing away even though the gum is still covering it.

I would possibly look into a dental school and see if they can take you in and replace it at a much lower cost than going to another dentist or orthodontist. If you can, look into this option! Hope this helps
Reply:I had 3 of my '1st molars' pulled (two from the top, one from the bottom) in February 2004. Two of the spaces are exactly the same size and there has been no shifting that I can see. The other space (one of the ones on top) has shrunk by about 1/3. I noticed the shifting within the last year. I used to be able to easily slide my finger in the space and I can't do that anymore. I wouldn't worry too much about shifting since it's only been about 5 months for you. I was recently at the dentist and he was recommending dental implants for me and he said nothing about shifting or that there was any serious problem yet.
Reply:I work in a dental office and we have done implants for patients that have had the tooth missing for 40 to 50 years. It takes time for the teeth to move. I'm not suggesting that you wait fifty years but I don't think you need to be worrying about right now. I'm glad you are getting implants. They are awesome.

family nanny

Help!! Speech class with a missing tooth..?

I'm taking speech class in college starting monday, and although i'm scared of talking in front of everyone the part that is really bothering me is the fact that i have a missing tooth in the front of my mouth. I am so self conscious of it, and now i have to be scared giving a sppech and thinking of my tooth. Should I drop the class until later or just take it and get it out of the way? Can someone please help me?

Help!! Speech class with a missing tooth..?
Take the Speech class! And for your final in the class, You now have an unfair advantage over everyone else. What an unbeatable opening line to break the ice with and establish a human connection with the audience, “You probably have heard that giving a speech ranks higher on the fears in life list than dying…pause, pause, pause, let it sink in…pause, now look them straight in the eye with confidence, Smile, Imagine doing it with a tooth missing?” Smile… You got the ball rolling keep going right into the body. If humor becomes a requirement of the speech, then a small passing tooth joke towards yourself.

They will admire your guts, strength and confidence. Tell them, I thought about it, “Smiles sell toothpaste, speeches…Ideas… I have thoughts and ideas to present!”

What is the goal the instructor wants you to achieve in a speech class? If it is to get a job as a toothpaste spokesperson – drop the class, if it is to develop, and present a well thought out presentation of your unique thinking, reasoning, and feelings – Go to class.

Let the toothless actress have an attitude towards the tooth fairy – you got business to take care of.

Reply:Just take it and get it out of the way. No one paid any attention but the teacher in my college speech class anyway.
Reply:Talk about a serious topic, and you will have no need to smile. Nobody will notice the missing tooth.
Reply:Don't let it stop you!!! Good luck on your speech!
Reply:You should never give up!They won't look at your missing tooth when your giving your speech.They will look at you.
Reply:You'll be alright, just jam a white chicklette where the tooth used to be.
Reply:dont let it get you down use your tooth as a tool, make it work, be confident!!!!!
Reply:hey my name is ashy ok well ummm dont wrry just act ur self
Reply:you should go to the dentist and ask them to make u a special tooth that u could put in and take out
Reply:Take it and get it out of the way. The teachers won't make fun of you they're there to help you.
Reply:The most important thing is the dental part with the repair or replacement of the missing tooth. However, don't let it bother you. Just tell them that you are in character of a person from the South or from West Virginia and they will understand. Just kidding about the south and WV
Reply:don't worry about it!

be yourself and don't look worried.... it'll be fine when you talk about something serious... they will focus on the subject more than your tooth! don't worry

and good luck!
Reply:I think you should ask for a handicap, you know , like a head start, or everyone else has to hold 5 marbles in their mouth while they speak. Do some serious practice, and I think with proper tongue control you can pretty much overcome it (audibly) then if you make a joke of it, like fighting with your tongue tied behind your back, or whatever, you should be able to get everyone on your side.
Reply:tell yo teach!
Reply:if you are self conscious of it I would say take the class at a latter time. I have a front tooth missing too, it was pulled in october and I am getting where it doesnt bother me as much, but I have what is called a flipper (false tooth) my husband says as long as I dont smile real big you cant tell about the missing tooth. I dont think people care as much and they dont notice it as much as we think.
Reply:you should get one of those tooth caps. you should have gotten it a long time ago since u are obviously conscious about it. i mean, if you aren't planning to get ur tooth fixed there's no point in dropping the class until later...because later you will still be facing this issue. i would say that if it really bothers u and u care about what these people think and YOU PLAN on getting it fixed, then take the class later if it won't affect ur grades. if u don't care about these people's opinions and u don't plan to get it fixed, then do it and try to block out the laughs and whispers....yes, i know....but people are immature and they will talk so build urself up and be prepared.
Reply:As a speech professor I always tell my students to state the obvious first %26amp; get it out of the way. Example: If you stumble %26amp; trip or fall on your way to the podium, say something like "I knew that was going to happen. I just knew it. So, now that that's out of the way, let me begin....." If you don't, then invariably someone in the audience will mention it to you as soon as you are if you didn't already know. So,

confide in your audience at the beginning of your very first speech. Tell them your fears and then put it behind you. You will earn their respect, and you will never hear from them. In fact, they will begin to wonder how to confide their fear of being in front of an audience. Best of luck to you this semester.
Reply:Oh, do I ever know what you're talking about! I had four front teeth that were so bad, I never smiled. I learned to smile with my eyes, so that no one really noticed. The really bad thing was that I'm a singer, and I sing solo's in church. I practiced with my karoake in forming the words correctly, so that I wouldn't mess up the song. Then, I got my teeth fixed and thought I was on easy street. Huh! I had to learn how to sing all over again, because I wasn't used to my new teeth. It's been over a year now, since then, and I've re-learned how to sing solo's in church, and can now smile with my whole face. My suggestion to you is to practice in front of a mirror, to see what you look like as you read your speech. See if there are other ways to say the words so that the absence of your tooth isn't as noticeable. No, don't drop the class. The class will give you confidence to continue being in front of people. My chorus teacher told me that whenever doing something in front of people, just keep doing what you're doing, even if you mess up. More than likely, no one will notice, as long as you keep going. If you bring attention to your error, they WILL notice. Just do it. If your speech is done well, no one will notice your lack of a tooth. The ones that will notice aren't worthy of your concern. Those are the kinds of people that pick on someone for having too many freckles or a zit on their face. Just go for it. It will go much better than you think. %26lt;*)))%26gt;%26lt;
Reply:don't let it stop you from taking the class! it's college students, not 1st graders. College students don't really care about what people look like from the outside, but what they are in the inside. If you were to talk in front of first graders, it might be different. Go ahead and take the class and don't let anything or anyone stop you. :)

office supply

What in dentistry is it called to replace a missing tooth?

What is the term used in dentistry to replace a missing tooth? I had a root canal done on a tooth, and it was never finished, the tooth was left hollow and it recently just broke off and only a small peice up close to the gum line is broken. It is my left front tooth. It's very unattractive, and I need to get it fixed. Would this procedure be called a crown, a cap or what exactly is involved in cosmetic dentistry to replace a missing tooth? Is it expensive?

What in dentistry is it called to replace a missing tooth?
Now that the tooth is decayed you have several options

1. Crown Lengthening and crown; Since there the body (coronal portion)of the tooth is gone. You can have a procedure done to actually remove bone to expose healthy root structure(usually no more than 2mm). this procedure allows the dentist finish a crown on the health tooth structure. This procedure is destructive to bone but is usually chosen by the patient who is not ready to loose a natural tooth.

2. Bridge; You can have the tooth removed and have a bridge placed. This is an option provided that it is not the last tooth in the arch. so there has to be a tooth in the front and the back, to allow the bridge to be placed.

3. You can have tooth removed and have an implant placed. This is by far the most expensive in the short term but has the potential to cost you less in the long-term since implants don't decay. The only risk is of structural failure and bone infection (low with reasonable care). this is a great option. However prices can skyrocket if you need a bone graft. Since you had the root canal a couple of years ago chances are the bone is still pretty good in your case.

4. You can have the tooth removed and have a "flipper" made. The is a plastic partial denture, made to fill the space. This is an option if funds are limited and you need the gap filled for aesthetic purposes.

5. You can have a removable permanent denture made. This is similar to the flipper, but the design is different. It has metal bars and lots of spaced to allow the tissues to breath thus allowing it to be used long-term without harming the gums.

Prices range from $350 for a flipper, to $3500 for implant and crown.

good luck
Reply:You have some options....a crown is probablythe simplest, cheapest and most common. You can also have a bridge, an implant, or a prosthetic (removable plate).
Reply:It would be called an IMPLANT.. I am assuming that the previous tooth broke off completely.... thus, a crown would not work because it would have NOTHING to attach itself to so an implant wold have to be performed... perhaps SCREWED to the gum bone
Reply:If the root is in good condition and broken above the bone level then we insert a post and build the tooth (core) then do a crown or else extraction with an immediate implant will be the best choice.

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Missing tooth?

my tooth number 18 is missing! what should i do?! i cant afford to get a dental implant??

Missing tooth?
When a person is missing #18, the only options to replace the space in a implant or a partial. A partial is only a good option if you are missing teeth on the other side #30 or #31 in your case. A partial will rock back and forth if it is not even on both sides. I'm sure you already know that doing an implant is pretty spendy, but it is your best option. Also if you haven't had your wisdom teeth removed there is a possibility that tooth could erupt into #18 place. Lastly you could just leave the space as is. You may become custom to the space and learn how to function without a tooth there. Good luck!
Reply:That's not good. How long has it been missing? That could influence what you could do with a tooth replacement. You can get a partial denture. A partial might not look or feel the best, but, if you get a partial the other teeth will not begin to shift out of place. Since this tooth is a 2nd molar; people will not be able to see it missing. Also, partials have also changed, they are not all metal anymore. Good luck in what ever you choose to do!
Reply:first off justin r - a 18 is a third molar not a second one - you should consult with your local dentist to seek his recommendation as a different alternatives suit specific cases

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Dog - missing tooth?

i just noticed that my dog - my baby is missing a front bottom tooth....he isn't a puppy. he doesn't seem to be in pain. what should i do - why do you think it may be missing????

Dog - missing tooth?
Maybe your dog ate a hard dog food (Greenie,TastyTreat,Big Dog food). Maybe your dog doesn't feel pain because it happened a year ago . You should go to an expert vet. or just a vet.
Reply:ask ur vet
Reply:By six months old, most canines have their adult teeth. If your dog is around this age, that's exactly what's happening.
Reply:Puppies lose teeth, just like little kids. If you're really worried, check with your vet, but it's normal. Enjoy your puppy!
Reply:So long as there is no open spot where the tooth was, he should be just fine. If there is a whole, then I would probably bring him to the vet to have it looked at, they may want to put him on antibiotics just to make sure it doesn't get infected. Do you play tug with him? A lot of dogs lose their front teeth from this, especially if they were loose to begin with. Depending on his age, bringing him into your vet for a dental may not be a bad idea.
Reply:It is really no big deal now. But tell your vet and I am sure it is ok. My dog has half a tooth since he was a pup. It broke. It is one of his fang teeth. Not a problem.
Reply:Dogs swallow their teeth if they lose them (baby teeth) and it doesn't give them any pain. So I'd check with a vet if it wasn't a baby tooth.
Reply:u need to brush dogs teeth not with people tooth past though look on ebay im a dog groomer so i get it in dog books not ebay so look on ebay good luck
Reply:dogs and animals all loose their teeth just like we do my aunts dog had to get surgery cause her teeth and her jaw was rotted that could be another reason you have to clean a animals teeth or they will rot and fall out just like ours now to prevent it from having pain of eating just buy some soft food in a can or if you have a blender put milk in it (not a lot)about a cup and put the hard dog food in there then just blend it and if theres extra food you can put it in a contanar and then put it in the refrigeratar and the next day take it out put the food in the bowl put a little bit more milk in it and stir then your dog can just eat it
Reply:Has he lost that tooth yet? I think that dogs lose teeth like humans and then they get adult ones. He may have lost it chewing on a bone WAY too hard, I don't really know much about dogs.
Reply:Since it is not a puppy, even thou he is not in pain, might want to have your vet to check him out. Just to make sure it is not some type of dental or gum problem. Good luck!
Reply:my dogs are 10 and 7 . the 10yr old lost a tooth and the vet said it was because he was just old . said he was fine and we went home he said dogs have 42 teeth my dog only has 10 at this time but he is still going strong. but the older your dog gets the more their teeth need cleaned.Dogs have 28 deciduous teeth (temporary) and 42 permanent teeth.
Reply:One of my dogs does not have teeth. When I adopted her at age 4, her teeth were worn down from living outside and we presume from either biting her chain or a fence. Our vet said it is not a problem for her. I would talk to the vet if you are concerned. Our vet said dogs don't feel pain in their teeth like we do.
Reply:My older dog is also missing a front tooth in the top though.I believe it's normal they age...teeth rot.

Visual Arts

Tooth Flipper-to replace missing tooth-How much it might cost?

Hi everyone

I lost my flipper(the fake removable tooth to replace missing tooth).

I am very upset coz my smile isnt very pleasant as you can imagine.

I want to have a new flipper and just wanted to know how much it might cost?


Tooth Flipper-to replace missing tooth-How much it might cost?
Anywhere from $400 to $750, depending on who you call...
Reply:I just had to get one and it cost me like 550.00 from wallamette dental group. Report It

Reply:It depends on the dentist. You will save about 50% with the

dental plan, like this one:



How many teeth does one have to be missing to become a carny?

and are there any other requirements?

i saw one the other day that had 7 teeth and almost spoke in complete sentences. was he overqualified, or are they just raising their standards?

How many teeth does one have to be missing to become a carny?
A carny only needs one tooth to talk to people , it is a requirement that the the tooth be in the front " top or bottom". Now the people working behind the scenes need no teeth, they have no people contact and as long as they can put there lips around a bottle of whiskey all is good
Reply:To be carny, you need to have enough teeth missing to fill a car! Hahaha get it?
Reply:whats a carny?

they sound a strange race lol
Reply:What the hell are you talking about hunny ???

The Crackhead squad is out in full force today !!!

Baz x
Reply:The requirement is at least 10.

But some people cheat the system, and black out some of their teeth to look even more repulsive.
Reply:Lmao.......I'm terrified of Carnies....
Reply:You need to have teeth like a Harley motorcycle gear box....1 down %26amp; 4 up
Reply:6. And according to Austin Powers, they smell like cabbage. lol!
Reply:you need a minimum of 6, a maximum of nine.

you have to have at least nine toes, and be able to stand on one leg balancing a bowl of dirty water on your head, whilst reciting the national anthem of bulgaria

wtf is a "carny"?
Reply:You need the equipment too;

Blunt darts.

Air rifles with bent barrels.

Superglue - for the coconut shy.

Book of raffle tickets with all the numbers that end in five or zero removed.

Large collection of cuddly toys manufactured in asian sweatshops by blind 12 year olds.

exchange rate

Help on my missing tooth please?

I have a missing front tooth and its bothering me a lot when i speak or smile. i have a denture on but i would not like it to be permanent, as i do not think my future partner will like it. Due to the missing tooth, the part of gum with the missing tooth is quite visibly darker than other parts of the gum where it wraps around tooth, hence stretched and visibly lighter. The upper edge of the fake tooth is protruding as it is not underthe gum but slightly outside. I'm currenlty considering a bridge but unsure if it will still look unnatural like dentures or perfenctly natural. Therefore, i appreciate your advices in clearing my doubts. thanks

Help on my missing tooth please?
Hi Goodman. I've been in dentisty for over 20 years and your age is a factor here. You must be done growing to have a good solid implant and the jaw is shaped for a good appearance. You have three choices. The first one is the removeable denture, which is not a pleasant or best for romance. I've had patients upset because the partial feel out while their were sleeping and their partner found it in the bed. That doesn't not happen often, but can.

A bridge means your dentist will have to cut down the teeth on each side to make a 3-4 unit bridge to replace the gap. I recommend 4 so that all the teeth look the same and have the same color and shape. However, bridges need to be replaced every 15-20 years and can come loose. Also without proper hygiene and constant care, the teeth underneath can decay over time as the protective covering has been removed and replaced with a metal/porelain tooth material.

Ideally, speak to an Oral Surgeon and consider a dental implant. The cost would be the same for the 3 unit bridge and you don't have to hurt the teeth on each side. A dental implant will last until a nuclear explosion as it is made from titanium and with care of the gums, will outlive you. These are a one shot deal and last for life unless you break the porcelain, but easy to replace. So this is your best option. Speak to an Oral Surgeon that has expereince with FRONT anterior inplants. They are a bit tricky so that the tooth looks like if emerges from the gum, so experience is important. Good luck! ~M
Reply:Hi! Implants rarely fail if you follow post-op instruction, don't smoke and practice good oral hygiene. I have 9 and never had a problem. Good luck, is the best IMO. ~M Report It

Reply:Put a Chicklette in there.
Reply:You can go for an inmplat supported prosthesis which is best for anterior missing tooth, secondly a bridge prosthesis can help you a lot.
Reply:Well it sounds like the other one the dentures is so much more of a hassle , and doesn't look real , and you have to take it out and clean it , and when u kiss you can tell. So yes get the Brig in it will look so much better.
Reply:consult a good dentist as soon as possible. Your age has got to do a lot with your chances of recovering. If you r below 14, or something like that you do not need to worry. But if you r above 16 or 20, I suggest, immediate serious action is required.
Reply:If you can afford it, go with a dental implant. If done properly, it is indistinguishable from a natural tooth. Proper brushing and flossing will keep it strong and healthy for decades just as long as you go for your checkups every 6 months.

I would have a periodontist who does implants as part of his daily practise do the work for you. A periodontist is a specialist where the health and esthetics of gum tissue are concerned. This expertise will not only get you a new tooth that looks great, but the gum tissue around the tooth will look great. If you go this route, make sure you have the periodontist inspect your implant every six months after surgery just to make sure that the gum and supporting bone remain healthy. She might suggest a different recall schedule, but at least I have informed you that it is a prudent measure to take.
Reply:I agree with health buff a periodontist is the best way to go. I am going to see a dentist after the 1st for some questions that I have and I have heard that he doesn't mind educating his patients by answering their questions. Dr. Peabody in Santa Cruz
Reply:yes it certain wil affect a bit but aft a few wks u get use to it will be all rite dun worry!


How many teeth do you have missing,if any and your age please?


How many teeth do you have missing,if any and your age please?
None. Age 59
Reply:One that was taken out when I was a teenager

am 42
Reply:I don't have any missing and I am 33 years old.
Reply:1... i am 21!
Reply:none missing, 28 years old
Reply:1 back tooth missing
Reply:none 18
Reply:0, I'm 24. My dentist wants to yank my wisdom teeth out though...I'm avoiding his calls.
Reply:2 and knocking on a bit
Reply:All there,,47
Reply:4 wisdom teeth, impacted so had to be removed before they came out or something. 18-25
Reply:I still have all mine but some of my wisdom teeth never came through. I am 43.
Reply:missing none and 35yrs old.
Reply:i am not telling you,what do you want to know a personal thing like that for?
Reply:I have a full set, see, *cheese* lol!
Reply:None, all my teeths are intact.

I am 65
Reply:One, I am 28.
Reply:1 and I'm 33

It got knocked out one night when my face hit this guys fist
Reply:Thankfully I have all my teeth. I am 35.
Reply:50 and they are all MIA
Reply:minus two

yanked ..ouch ..

wisdom top ..

arched pallet

tight fit on top

... fifty two...
Reply:when you have been kicked in the teeth as many times as me not many. besides my baby teeth arent through yet im still teething..
Reply:Two that had to be extracted by a dentist because of aggressive abcesses im 48
Reply:I had to have 2 back teeth out so my wisdom teeth could come through properly

I am 29 x
Reply:NON IM 27
Reply:Sorry - that's privileged information, not for public use ! -
Reply:Age 46

teeth missing - to many to count.

teeth left - 6 but there shot to pieces to.

Yes i drank milk and ate fruit for calcium and protein and went to the dentist regularly from

day 1....but it did'nt work.

Got dentures when I was 17 because my own teeth literally fell out !
Reply:2 and I'm 32. I've still got some milk teeth though!
Reply:missing none 27 years old
Reply:i'm 30 and i have 3 missing.

they had to be taken out as the roots were infected and causing problems with nerves and sinuses (lots of pain and problems)

and another 4 if you count wisdon teeth that were removed
Reply:I have all my teeth and plan on keeping it that way. I'm 32 years old.

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How many teeth do you have missing (not including wisdoms)?

I have had four extracted.

How many teeth do you have missing (not including wisdoms)?
none missing. no cavities. no fillings.
Reply:none not even my wisdoms i have them all
Reply:i've lost 18- none removed.
Reply:I got em all.
Reply:none thank goodness
Reply:none i have all mine. ive been lucky! knock on wood! id like to keep them all for a while
Reply:None IM Sweet Like A Lil Kitten Playing Stevie Wonder On Chrismas MOrning IN Texas Yeee Haaa!
Reply:None at all! I take great care of my teeth and I go to the dentist regularly. My teeth are nice and straight and white. Not to mention I have great lips!
Reply:Fortunately I still have all my adult teeth. I had just one wisdom tooth extracted. Thanks for asking.
Reply:i have 2missing -blush- BUT YOU CANT SEE EM
Reply:eight. i lost them from getting hit in the jaw with a tire iron
Reply:None, but I have three total crowns, and several fillings. Under all this work I'm a skid row bum-hockey player.
Reply:when i got braces the extracted all four wisdom (wait NOT including wisdom) and four molars so like you four just to make room for my braces and teeth to move
Reply:none i had braces when i was 12 hated them,was called brace face. My teeth are nice and clean now so ha ha to those kids at jfk Junior high
Reply:Do you know that there is indisputable evidence that tooth paste was invented in West Virgina? If it was invented any where else, it would be called teeth paste.

I got all the choopers still in my head (except for wisdom).
Reply:None so far.
Reply:none.......minus my wisdom teeth, i have them all!!!!
Reply:I am only missing one, and it never formed in the first place.
Reply:1 they pulled it out by accident they thought it was a baby tooth but you can't tell!
Reply:None. I've got the original 28, plus 1 left-side, bottom wisdom tooth... but I've got really bad oral health... I know I have cavities, possibly worse... I've kept really good care of my teeth the past year, so it's not really getting worse....
Reply:I got all my teeth! well actually my 12 year molars aren't in and I'll be 16 in November....^^'

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