Monday, April 20, 2009

7 missing teeth!?

7 missing teeth =(?

I didnt realise I had 7 missing teeth until I went to the dentist recently. Except for one on the right, the others are not so obvious. I always thought I had ONE missing teeth not SEVEN. Anyways, how can I do from here? Also when do you think I should put braces. Lastly, how do I get whiter teeth and healthier gums?

p.s. i definitely need braces because my teeth overlaps the wrong way. it looks ok just that i want to put braces to correct it cuz the correct way looks nicer :D

7 missing teeth!?
Your dentist can suggest ways to whiten your teeth. If you smoke or drink cofee, tea or even soda, it may discolor your teeth. Talk to the dentist about this too.

Braces would have to be recommended by a dentist, but put on by a orthodontist. I had my put on in 7th grade and taken off before I enderered 9th grade.

As to missing teeth... I had to have 8 teeth pulled just to have all of my teeth fit into my mouth and not overlap etc.... so maybe you are fortunate they are missing.. it may give more room for adjustments with out having to go thru extractions.

Finally, as to getting healthier gums.... FLOSS, FLOSS, FLOSS and it does not hurt to gargle with something like Listerine [read the bottle it will tell you what it can do for gingivitus... ie gum disease].

I hope that helps some....
Reply:I feel that your dentist is in better position to advice you rather us.
Reply:I would speak with my dentist regarding the best treatment for the missing teeth. Your teeth are crowding because you have had teeth extracted and haven%26#039;t replaced them. When there is a space between your natural teeth, they will shift and drift. Your first priority should be to replace your missing teeth, and then consult an orthodontist to address the crowding and overlapping. Fixed bridges or implants are the best conventional treatment for missing teeth.

If you are interested in whiter teeth, you should have your dentist whiten your teeth professionally before you have any bridgework or implants placed. These prosthetics are made of porcelain, and once the shade is determined, the porcelain will not whiten. Your dentist can match the shade to your natural tooth color after the whitening process is complete.

Your most important question was regarding your gums. If your gums are unhealthy, it doesn%26#039;t matter how great the dental work is, it will fail. Think of it this way: you wouldn%26#039;t build a house on an unstable foundation, so you shouldn%26#039;t invest in bridges/implants until your gums are in a healthy state. Again, your dentist and hygienist should be able to tell you the current condition of your gums. Ask them to do a 6 point periodontal charting on you. This will measeure the tissue attachment at 6 areas of each tooth you have. Anything above a 4mm pocket is a sign of a problem. 1-3mm is within normal limits. Anything above a 4mm pocket is impossible to reach with floss and homecare, therefore, periodontal therapy may be necessary. The higher the number, the worse the condition. If you have pockets above a 7mm reading, I would suggest seeking the expertise of a periodontist.

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